The Magic around us that we miss everyday…


Robin williams magicSome of us go about our daily lives without ever noticing the magic that happens on a continual basis. So today I decided to pay extra attention to it. But before I get into it, I’d like to name off some common things I’ve heard people call strange coincidences or good timing; and I have to say, if I had a dime for every time someone said that to me I’d probably have a decent amount of money.
So here we go:

1) Mentioning someones name and either running into them, or hearing from them in some type of way. i.e call, text..

2) Manifesting something in a blink of an eye. (or manifesting something and it happening shortly after)

3) A disturbance in the force. Okay, I have a hard time explaining this one right now. Lets just say when something kind of crazy happens that you just can’t explain.

So the first one happened as I was telling my friend (friend A) a story about how every time I mention someone, I take a quick look around to see if they are in the area. Often times I look and it turns out that they are, or that someone who connects the two of us together is in the area. For example, yesterday I was about to bring up a friend of mine, so I looked around. Maybe they were in the area since they worked around here. I soon realized that one of our mutual friends (I will call X) was walking right in front of me. (A good reminder to never talk behind peoples backs). So as I was telling my friend A this story, a few moments later, friend X appears. This pretty much proved what I was talking about and made me smile. To me, I find this pretty magical in a way. Some people might call it something else, but I find the word magical to be a pretty cool word choice.

The second one happened while I was with my mom and sister. My mom also has moments like the one above, so it never comes as a surprise to me when this happens when we are all together. We walked into the store and my mom asks me about hypnosis because she really wants to get rid of a problem of hers. It just so happened that a hypnotherapist was standing in front of us, and turned around to tell my mom who she could go see and told her some advice. They stood there and talked for awhile, and this brought again, a smile to my face. The world appears to be getting cooler everyday, I thought.

Finally, tonight while struggling to fall asleep, I decided to meditate. Meditation is a difficult task but I find it absolutely necessary on days where I can’t sleep; for example, when I eat garlic which tends to make my body ache. It seemed to be quiet enough for me to meditate successfully. I figured nothing could bother me right now, like what usually happens when I get deep into the meditation. So I started and everything was going smoothly, until I hit what I call 1st stage. First stage is when I have relaxed long enough to make my head feel clearer. So, as soon as I hit first stage, a fly buzzes around my ear. So i try swat it away in the fear that it might enter my ear. Feeling a little frustrated I start again, and it happens again. I swat at it again and then I’m like, “Okay Cassandra focus, don’t let this stupid fly bother you.” So I enter 2rd stage, which is where I am pretty much totally relaxed, and working on my weakest point which is my neck. Right then and there the fly comes back and I’m thinking don’t swat at it! Focus! And the fly lands right on my third eye! Maybe it was a reminder that I missed my third eye chakra! Thanks for the reminder annoying but thoughtful fly 🙂 From here on in, I will work on my head, third eye area and then neck. Maybe that might lead to a really good meditation session.



So most people feel comfortable calling the above things not so magical but other things, which tend to lean on the negative boring side of life. I’m sure it makes people feel smarter and grown up but quite frankly it’s main stream and extremely dull. I decided to write about it because occurrences such as these remind me to have hope in the our world, a hope that says life isn’t as mundane as we often times think it is. As a person that struggled with depression when life seemed to get too dull and the same, these little things tend to make my day and warm my heart! A gentle reminder, we are never truly alone in life, because theirs that hidden magic lingering around the corner of our hearts that connects us all, including other little living beings 🙂 . Let us not lose that magical part of us, because otherwise we can become lost forever.



robin williams magic

One thought on “The Magic around us that we miss everyday…

  1. Awesome article. When we look at everything as being magical we will never lose our sparkle. Its neat how creator works through you and others to help us on our journey through life .

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